The Fatsmeagol Collective


imgp1868imgp1869imgp1895imgp1900-2imgp1922-2imgp1928imgp1935imgp1958imgp1953imgp1962-2imgp1972imgp1977“Well, first of all we’d like to say that what you are about to hear fits with the current social context. Let’s be honest, today we are all thinking about our own futures.” Gael Garcia Bernal – No (2012)

As you all know I love working on shoots or projects where I am able to tell a story, a story worth telling and to be able to tell it creatively. Rayyan, the Tribe Chief of Fatsmeagol Collective and me, had been gesticulating the idea of having someone shoot at the office while it’s under renovation.

Exposed and under construction sites probably appeal to me as much as the thought of having the story of The Fatsmeagol Collective’s home told.

I recently got to know about The Fatsmeagol Collective and they have  a fascinating story. I wanted a story told, a story about Fatsmeagol’s home being built and the people involved…

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